Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Shoes, beautiful shoes.

I love shoes. All shoes. I love boots and sandals and keds and stilettos and boots with stiletto heels. I just love them. I am too poor to buy high end shoes so I get them where I can. You will often find me lurking outside shoe stores in the early morning before a sale hoping I will have first pick. I love payless, which have the most uncomfortable shoes know to woman, it's not about the comfort or practicality it's about the beauty.
I have shoe rules and must admit I get quite agitated when others don't follow them.

I can not understand why someone would pair black socks with sandals. Ever. Let alone make them a part of their summer ensemble. Shoes can make or break an outfit and when doing black socks with sandals you are very defiantly going for the break.

Please if you are going to wear socks with your sandals make them white or wool and for heavens sake DO NOT pull them up to your knees.

One should NEVER wear socks with pumps. That went out with the eighties and didn't really look that good then.

Never wear stilettos with a very short mini unless you are trying to seduce your partner in the privacy of your own home. Let me warn you if you go out in public like that people will think you are trying to sell something, you may be arrested. That look may work for the girls on Sex in the City but it doesn't work for us regular types.

Dark stockings and light shoes DO NOT match.

I wish the general public knew this especially in the town where I live. Perhaps it's the drug use that causes there to be several shoe blunders seen in a day, every day. Over dilation of the pupils has made it impossible for them to see themselves in the mirror.
See kids drug use can lead to very bad things.

There are days I wish I could pull a Karen from Will and Grace.
I would point my finger and move it about, encompassing their entirety and ask, "Honey what's up with this? What's going on here?"
I am not yet that brave.


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