Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Punishing myself

David is grounded from the computer. Now he's a sneaky little devil but I pride myself in being the former queen of sneaky, as a child, so I am always one step ahead of him. Or so I thought.

Punishing David is always an act of creativity. He doesn't care if he can't go out, he doesn't care if he can't use the phone. The only "currency" I have is the computer. However I am at work all day and he is at home for a good portion of the day. Makes following through on punishment difficult when you have a sneaky child.
So I thought I was quite brilliant the other day when I took the modem with me to work.
People asked, "what is that?"
I replied, quite smugly, because I am brilliant after all, "It's a modem, David is grounded from the computer."
Oh yes I was smug, I was brilliant, I was the goddess of parenting. I had thwarted the sneaky child.
I basked in my brilliance for most of the day.
Until I got home and realized I had left the modem at work. Now I am grounded from the internet as well. Not so brilliant.


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