Friday, April 29, 2005

Mean girls

People can be so mean. Myself included. We are so quick to judge the people around us. Like being different is wrong somehow. In most cases I like people who are different. That have within them some quality that I admire but don't find in many others.
On the other hand I have little patience for rigidity. I am quick to condemn those who are closed minded, set in their ways or too resistant to change. In that I am judgmental. Don't we need all types of people in the world. If I really was as accepting as I think I am wouldn't I accept these people who drive me to distraction with the quirks they carry with them? (I also judge people for wearing the wrong shoe/ sock combination. Shame on me. )
I find myself quite frustrated today, having dealt with conflict after conflict mostly instigated by the inability to accept each others differences.
Today I am tired.

My job (top secret as it is) has me dealing with constant confrontation. Most of the clients we deal with are in a state of crisis or have mental health issues that leave them unable to see or accept the system they are dependent on. This leads to a lot of confrontation. I accept this, what I find hard to accept is when the conflict turns inward. When the people I work with (or my children) turn on each other. Life is hard out there and we should be able to depend on each other for understanding and acceptance. Sadly this is not the case.

I understand it. I know why it happens but my acceptance of this "turning on each other" has not come to be.

That old commercial had it right.

I'd like to give the world a Coke.


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