Monday, August 22, 2005

Stupid boy tricks

I'll start by saying...I WROTE TEN PAGES YESTERDAY!!!!! Whoo hoo!
If only I did that everyday!
But on to other things.
This morning I was reading one of Amy's posts on the Write minded blog and it reminded me of the antics of my boys which continue to this day Amy...Sorry.
In particular I was reminded of the evening I came home from a town meeting on health care to find only one son.
"Dustin, where's your brother?"
I proceed to call my youngest son David who does not respond.
"Where upstairs?"
"In my closet."
"What is he doing in your closet?"
"I put him there"
At this point I am running to the stairs.
I reach the closet and find my then nine year old son sitting in his brothers closet with his hands and feet duct taped together and his mouth duct taped shut. You would think the poor child would be crying and scared locked in a closet while duct taped, but no, his eyes are dancing with insane laughter which I was privy to once I ripped the duct tape from his mouth. But only for a second because it hurts to have duct tape ripped off your face.
I turn to Dustin who has run up behind me ready to explain himself in rapid fire.
"What the hell Dustin!"
"He was bugging me?"
"Dustin that is no reason to duct tape your brother and leave him in a closet."
I must add here that it is very difficult to keep a straight face during this conversation. Having been an oldest child myself for a fleeting moment I wonder why I had never thought of this.
"Dustin go down stairs and wait for me!"
I finish un taping David and ask him what we should do to get back at his brother.
"We should duct tape him." David says with a clear understanding of eye for an eye.
Back downstairs Dustin is rocking from foot to foot wondering what his punishment will be and trying to think up a good and wordy excuse for his behavior. As I approach he says
"David wanted me to do that Mom, he likes it when I do that."
"So you've done that to your much smaller brother before?"
"well maybe once"
I pull out a kitchen chair and point to it.
"Sit" and he does.

I pull out the duct tape.
His eyes grow wide.
"what are going to do?
"I'm going to give you a taste of your own medicine."
He grins clearly thinking this is much better that he had imagined I'd do. I'm sure he thought he would be grounded or worse lectured for hours on end. His grin however was premature.
I duct taped Dustin to his chair.
"This isn't bad" he says. I take that as a challenge and grab his quilt from the couch. I throw said quilt over his head. Duct tape it on to his head and pick up the chair with him in it.
"What are you doing ?" he asks in a voice between panic and laughter.
"You'll see....Oh I guess you won't."
David opens the front door for me and I place Dustin on the porch. I then walk back into the house where David and I proceed to watch him, through the window, struggle to get out of the duct tape. We laugh and after about ten minutes I go out and free him.
He never duct taped his brother again.

As far as I know....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the ten pages!!! Great writing day!

2:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 pages is GREAT! Maybe you could come do my 10 now ...?

8:49 AM  

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