Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Miscellaneous and book covers

No pages yesterday but I did go to the gym. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and most of it I ran...YAY! I also took a yoga class for an hour and a half. The Yoga class was awesome and at the end when we were just lying there breathing I almost fell into complete relaxation when my cell phone started to ring. Yes I had forgotten to turn it off. I lay there waiting for it to go to voice mail hoping that everyone else in the class was so in the zone that they didn't hear it. No such luck.
It was my son David wanting me to bring home KFC which obviously falls under the dead or bleeding rule I have about children calling my work cell phone.
On to today's topic.
Book covers.
Previously in my blog I posted my disappointment over category romance covers, cheesy pictures, cheesy titles.
I was pleasantly surprised to find (while at RWA) The the times they are a changing! The book covers I saw were for the most part FABULOUS!
The titles were intriguing, Dating Can Be Deadly-Wendy Roberts, Fast Women -Jenny Cruisie
I bought and picked up more books based on title and cover than I ever have in my life.
My personal favorite title Since your leaving anyway take out the trash I haven't read that one yet but I have high hopes. I picked up enough books to last me the rest of the year and I am soo excited to read them.
Because of the blurb? No, Because of the author...No.... Because the titles are so fun!
I'm so happy to see the publishing world going in this direction I hope when I finally publish, years from now, my book has a very cool title and an equally cool cover.
I'm so happy that I can hope for that.
Have a great day everyone, as those in the Yoga world would say "Namaste"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Category romance covers are really improving lately!! I've seen some really great ones this summer and coming for this fall.

6:10 AM  

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