Sunday, January 28, 2007

What are the main aspects

So what is life? What are all the broad descriptives that describe the various aspects of life?
You've got your health under which comes, physical, spiritual, emotional.
Finance; Career, spending, saving, planning, managing
Relationships; Family, friends, intimate

What else?
ahhh Creativity or does that come under spiritual health. Lets assume it does, so you've got your three main aspects of life under which fall categories that flush out the details a little further.
Life can be like a big org chart or for our purposes a work plan.
In essence Health is like one big category you have financial, emotional, spiritual and physical health. To take all that on at once is too huge but if you broke them all down and chose one thing at a time to work on you could achieve your goals. This year i want to work on my physical health but even that is huge. There is level of fitness, eating habits, bad habits like smoking. What about stress that effects physical health. Stress is caused often by the other health categories, unhealthy finances or relationships can cause extreme stress which lead to physical health problems. So maybe one needs to deal with some of that as well. But you have to start somewhere and I have two smaller goals that fall under health to work on over the next three months...and beyond of course because this is a lifestyle change. So I pick fitness and smoking. I believe that I can't effectively improve my health if I smoke and I can't effectively deal with stress unless I become physically active. Both of these smaller goals will impact the next steps I take in a life improvement plan that will last for years I expect. It's all about incorporating new and healthier habits into my life. My quit smoking date is Feb 19th. My goal for fitness is 3-4 times a week classes at the gym working up to six days a week alternating cardio, weights and classes. in three months I want to be smoke free and wearing a size 9 . Those are goals that are achievable


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