Friday, May 06, 2005

Life after life

My friend is in Mexico with eight friends. All women of various ages and life stages.
I've received a few of what I perceive to be, drunken emails from her. She's having a blast. While I'm a little envious of her fun and frolic I'm mostly heartened.
She, like me, had her children quite young and when her marriage(s) ended she raised them on her own. Now they are raised and she proves to me there is life after family. I've always thought it to be true. Planned on it in fact but had very little proof of the after life. Sure you hear stories but until you know someone who's done it the stories can feel like ancient myths.
I love my children. They have added more to my life than I could ever list. Probably more than I am even aware of right now. But I was quite young in fact not even legal drinking age yet when I first became pregnant.
My mother, god bless her, used to tell me when I was young, "Travel Peggie, don't settle down too soon, travel."
I didn't listen and now I'm the one telling her. "Travel Mom, you only live once, travel."

When we're young we don't realize how much life we don't have time for. When my children are grown I will join the ranks of my friend and live the childless stage of my life to the fullest.

Yvonne, Mexico doesn't know what hit it! You go girl!


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