Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Love, hate and a good book

I just finished reading Julie Kenner's "The Givenchy Code". A rip off title, I know, but it did catch me. So did the little bottle of very irresistible Givenchy she was giving away with it.
Fabulous book.
Julies writing style for this book was amazing. The heroine's POV was in first person, the hero and the villain in third. The chapters were short adding to the feeling of a fast paced thriller. I loved this book.
I also hated this book.
I couldn't put it down. I read it from the time I went to bed until my eyes wouldn't stay open anymore. For three days I struggled on very little sleep because I had to know what was going to happen next. Every one of the seventy five chapters ended on a hook. It wasn't very nice of Julie to do that but it was smart because I can't wait to read the next book in what looks like a continuing series.
I love when I find a book like that.
I also hate when I find a book like that.


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