Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Big Brother

I'm watching Big Brother, as I do every year and I'm amazed yet again at a person's power to lie to themselves. I see it all the time. People who don't see themselves they way others see them. I see it in my working environment in people who are horrible with clients and the worst team players yet they think they are loved by clients and staff alike. They think they deserve promotions and opportunities and are continually shocked when it doesn't happen for them. Believing instead that these opportunities go to those who are "the chosen ones"
I have wondered about that ability to construct a view point that suits you and you only.
This year the Big Brother house has a clear division between the good guys and the people who think they are the good guys. What confounds me is even if they don't know they've behaved badly in front of a 24/7 audience the lack of Americas choice wins for their side should tell them something. Instead they say it's a fixed vote. They say America sucks , America is stupid. I wonder who's stupid.
People are crazy.
However watching a group of people display this denial behavior leads me to wonder. Do I really see myself as others do? I think I do...I think I know myself well, my strengths, my weaknesses, my annoying traits. Of course I discover new positive and negative traits all the time, some I change, some I don't.
My friend Yvonne and my sister can tell you that I am always right (a very annoying trait) and can be insensitive in my bluntness especially to sensitive people. I tend to tell it as I see it.
My mom will tell you that I 'm brilliant (she is my mom after all) But if you probe further she'll tell you I'm a disorganized mess.
I choose not to change these things, I like them, but I do recognize them and the potential they have to annoy others.
I tell my Dad that nice does not serve well in my business so it's a good thing I'm not nice. He always looks at me like I'm insane.
I can be kind, I'm empathetic, but I have never in my life heard that I am too nice ...
If I was in the Big Brother house to play the game I would. Play that is. Which means I would need to strategize, play off peoples emotions and in some cases do something that would upset someone else. Kind of like real life.
But I would admit that I had done it. At least to myself.
I think

Go Jannelle!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YES............ so true.... gotta love it...

4:51 PM  

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