Saturday, September 17, 2005

Complicated women

I am a complicated woman. I didn't know that for many years. In fact it was an episode of sex in the city that lead me to that realization. I am not a simple woman. I'm also not a perfect woman. I know no one is perfect but some appear to be until you dig deeper. I am not perfect and it's pretty apparent straight off.
My hair is a mess of curls that often looks like I just rolled out of bed...Or if it's been a particularity stressful day looks like my hair was caught in the wrong end of a super powered fan and I have been fighting to get out for the last six hours.
I rarely iron my clothes and have lived in this town for four years having never set foot in the dry cleaners.(though I hear he's pretty hot) I will occasionally put on nail polish and then forget about it until its chips it's way off. I tweezed my eyebrows once in my life. Actually I didn't do it the woman at the spa did. I don't know how to tweeze my eyebrows.
You might think this makes me a simple woman but it doesn't. Simple women look the same, act the same and dress in particular style every day. They have a routine you know what to expect every time you see them. Many simple women can be found by anyone at any point in the day because they keep to a strict schedule. I don't know many simple women but I think they may paint their walls in shades of beige.
Being a simple woman is a good thing. People like her they know what to expect from her at all times and in that is a sense of security that a complicated woman doesn't offer.
My living room walls are orange.
If you look in my closet you will find styles ranging from conservative business woman to groovy little hippie chick.
The only schedule I keep is being at work during the required hours and even then I may take an impromptu vacation day or come in early and leave early. I may work through my lunch or take a long lunch. I may be at work on a Saturday or I may not.
I have been known to get up early on a Saturday morning pack a picnic and the kids into the car and go on a quest for the sun or spend the whole day in my pajamas reading or writing. You might find me dancing till wee hours at a club with my friends or taking in a ballet or theatre production. I love them both equally.
I like being a complicated woman but I understand that when looking for security, simplicity I am not your girl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that want I love about you that your just like me....complicating.......or am I ?.........LOL LOL LOL

4:47 PM  
Blogger Peggie said...

A simple woman you are not my friend

10:18 PM  

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