Monday, September 05, 2005


I'm so glad today is a holiday. I'm also glad the gym is closed cause I am sore.
I went to try out my new runners so did some treadmill and some bike and then some -so called- energizing yoga.
It was hard.
I have learned I have the flexibility of an eighty year old woman.
Not good.
As I contorted my body into positions that only primates should do I looked around the room to see how well everyone else was doing and with the exception of myself, my friend Yvonne and a rounded girl next to me everyone was achieving monkey like poses just fine. Even the much older woman across from me. Its a sad day when one can't keep up to someone twenty years their senior. I blame the cookies. Damn cookies taunting me with their chewy sweetness. I blame television, I also blame Nora Roberts. Yes Nora is to blame. I can and have spent whole days devouring her books and not moving...Except to eat a cookie.
So from now on in yoga class while I try to touch my forehead to my toes I will curse Nora for all those days she lured me into complete and utter stillness.
Stretching your imagination is all well and good until you can't bend over to pick up your shoe.

Have a great labor day all.


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