Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Watched the Juno's on Sunday night. I watched because I love our music scene and wanted to support our country's musical artists. Ok and I also love Nickelback.
It was crap. Utter and complete crap. Not because of the music and not because of the artists. Because the sound guy was, for sure, the nephew of one of the co ordinators, because we picked the sluttiest Canadian known to man for our MC, because the show kept cutting out at the most inopportune times and because it looked unprofessional like a bunch of children had thrown the show together. What an embarrassment. Some of the bands must have hired their own stage crew because the ones that could afford it had a fabulous set complete with light shows and a fire while others had less than nothing. When are we as Canadians going to get it together. No wonder our talent goes down south. They are respected and appreciated in the US in Canada they get ghetto prom night. A sad display.
Next year pay Jann Arden some bucks and let her MC.
Next year do a freak'n sound check. Make sure it sounds good on tape so those of us at home get good sound as well.
Next year do the stage up right. This is Canada we have taste. Lets show the world.
Next year .... Well lets just do better Canada


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