Saturday, May 28, 2005

Musicians continued

My son the musician.
As a thirty something mom and past lover of musicians it is bitter sweet to see this picture.
I've always loved a musician. Something about the music and the stage presence has always pulled me in. I have complete understanding of those women who love rockers like Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler (two of the ugliest musicians alive) It's the stage presence that draws them in and keeps them hooked. The ability to speak to a crowd of hundreds or thousands about secret thoughts and feelings that are universal, like they read your mind. I have often in been in awe and seen beauty in those who are not traditionally beautiful while watching them on stage. That feeling had also- in my younger years- carried me through months of whirlwind romances with said musicians.
The good old days.
So you can see how on the day I took this photo of my son on stage (he's the gorgeous one on the left) was bitter sweet for me.
I was in awe, the pride I felt for his ability to communicate with a crowd and his courage to perform in front of others was overwhelming. As I looked around I realized that most of the young girls in the audience felt that awe as well and beyond the awe was the building of a crush not unlike the crushes I had developed in years past.
I wanted to usher then out of the room.....Alright I'll be honest I wanted to poke their eyes out and tell them to stay the hell away from my sweet boy!!! But I didn't. I behaved.
The universe has a perverse sense of humor.
My mother often told me that I should marry a tall dark haired man with blue eyes. They are the most beautiful she said. I didn't, but I gave birth to one.
It's a surreal experience to have your past ideals become true and human in a place where love is pure and innocent.
My son is a tall, dark, blue eyed, rocker....Isn't that something.
Truth be told I couldn't be more proud.
If only those girls would stay away!!!!!


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