Tuesday, November 22, 2005

As the holidays draw near

My Christmas spirit has been low the last few years. So much work and so little time, not to mention space for visiting family members. This year, instead of running around at the last minute frantically cleaning the forgotten corners of my house, we will drive to my parents house seven hours away. Through snow covered mountains and treacherous icy roads.

I feel much better about the threat of avalanche than I do about the avalanche that will occur in my hallway if any well meaning family member opens that closet by mistake.

This year I will not fear that all of my hidden clutter will be revealed. This year I do not have to take two days off work just to get ready for chrismas vacation. This year I do not have to spend hundreds of dollars in guilt and bribery presents for my children. Who had to endure my raving lunatic behavior and high pitched screams of "who's fingerprint is on this table? Didn't I tell you not to touch anything? I'm pretty sure I did! You had better get this fingerprint off the table!"

This year I will be at my moms. None of my skeletons hide in her closets. None of my children huddling in corners carefully not touching anything. All we have to do is get through the car ride with out being killed by an avalanche, or each other.
I feel the spirit coming through. Bring on the cocoa!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Silly Quizzes

Saturday, November 12, 2005

What kind of Faerie are you?

You are a Water Faerie! Normally the most
intelligent of all faeries, you always reading
or learning something new. You excel at writing
and you love music. You could sit for hours and
listen to a stream or waterfall, and just
think. You are not the most outgoing of people,
but you are a good and loyal friend, though
sometimes your friends will get annoyed at you
when you start drifting away into you thoughts
in the middle of a coversation...


Wing Color:Shades of Blues and/or Blue-Greens

Powers:Mind Reading and MInd Control



What Kind of Faerie Are You?(Beautiful Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, November 11, 2005

What color are you?

you are greenyellow

Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the spacefem.com html color quiz

Thursday, November 10, 2005


I got a note today from my most loyal reader and I'm ashamed to say I've let her down. I've ignored my blog completely for weeks. Only posting when the guilt is too much.
The sad part is...Sometimes life just isn't that funny.
I find that my writing, like my face shows what I am thinking or feeling quite openly. I want my blog to be entertaining, funny and occasionally controversial but I don't want it to be depressing and emotional. That my friend is no fun!
So I neglect.
From this point on I will post something even if it's just a quiz so I can know I am making morning coffee entertaining..Thought provoking and light!
Today I contemplate fall.
In this area fall is beautiful. The leaves on the trees turn bright orange, red and yellow. The days are cool and crisp or wet and dark.
The year I moved here I earned the name of "Mom the Lurker" It was October and I was quite taken with this small town and all it's beauty. In the evenings I would walk my dog past gorgeous heritage houses with their big front porches and huge high glass windows. The color of the leaves on the sidewalk often overshadowed by the brightly painted homes in purple and Burgundy and green. I liked to walk at night because I liked to see inside these monstrous beauties.
Who were the people inside them. How did they paint their walls and decorate their living rooms. Were they true to the nature of the home that sheltered them or had they modernized and steam lined the innards of our history?
Sometimes my children, who were still almost young enough to like me, would come along and I would point out the hard wood floors and cheery wall colors inside the homes as we passed. Thus earning me the name "lurker".

I miss the awe I felt at my surroundings, knowing what I know now. Days of rain and months of winter where the sun forgets about us and we mourn the light days of spring and summer.
I think tonight my dog and I will walk. A nice warm thermal cup of hot chocolate in hand we will reclaim our lurker status and kick up some leaves. Appreciate the beauty.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Personal space

What is with people? I've noticed lately and to be honest many times in the past that some people have no sense.
The other day I was in line for a lotto ticket. I was last in line and had left a good amount of space between myself and the man in front of me. It was the perfect amount of space, enough so he's comfortable and I'm comfortable and not enough to confuse people as to my status in the line up. Before long a woman gets into line behind me. Now, she is last in line. She is so close to me I can feel her breathing on my neck. I glance behind me. A quick glance so she knows that I know she's there with the glance I can assess whether she has to be that close because someone is behind her. Nope she's still last in line.
I move up a little, congratulating myself for leaving enough space to allow me to move ahead with out getting into the space of the man ahead of me. She moves up too. I look at her again, this time a little more directly. Hoping she will take the hint. She doesn't and there still isn't anyone behind her. I move up a little more, conscious that I am now stepping into dangerous territory. Soon I could be sandwiched between two strangers with no room to move.
She moves up as well.
The woman is pissing me off now. I wonder if I'm on some stupid hidden camera show. Past experience tells me I'm not. She is just one of those people.
I wonder what I can do. It seems as though we've been in line forever. The lack of personal space is beginning to make me feel desperate. I have to get this woman off my ass!
Suddenly I know what to do.
I turn quickly and suddenly, pretending to reach for something and elbow her with enough force to cause her some discomfort but not enough to cause pain. She backs up. An instinctual reaction. I pretend I'm shocked and apologize profusely for accidentally elbowing her.
I'm relieved, happy to breathe again and not feel her creepy breath on my neck. I think I will do this from now on.
Look out those of you who crowd in line, who look over my shoulder while I punch in my interact code. I'm not going to take it anymore. You will receive an elbow. The closer you are the more it will hurt.
Just issuing a warning!