The psychology of campground 'C'
To be honest I'm afraid of campground 'C'.
It's the talk of the town when you're in Merritt. You hear all sorts of stories and none of them are good. I'm not a prude by any means...Well maybe a little but the whole premise disgusts me.
Last year I was afraid to go after all the stories I had heard. Strippers and hells angels ect. ect. ect.
Being me though and an avid student of human behavior I wanted to see it. Just once. I figured this year since my brother was with us I'd get him to take me over to have a look. He could protect me. So Wednesday night (My birthday) I'd had enough beers to give the illusion of courage and off we went. It was tame, there were no bikers, I didn't see any strippers. Sure there were several signs offering shooters for free to girls who would flash. (that's the disgusting part) but all in all it was just dirty and quiet. Of course it was only ten pm on Wednesday.
Thursday came and we were offered the opportunity to work the beer gardens in campground 'C'. I wasn't afraid anymore-having confronted the beast head on- so we agreed. We volunteer yes but we get tips and the tips were good in campground 'C' so we had heard.
Ten pm on Thursday we started over, it took forever to get to the beer gardens and I soon realized that we had hardly skimmed the surface the night before. We were to work till four am. So we had napped and packed a bag of supplies to take with us. Hand cream, Kleenex, sweaters, lunches, we also had a 4 liter jug of water. It was a long hike with all that stuff. We finally found the beer garden after pushing our way through reams of people.
There was only one ticket booth and there were already people in it. They were not happy to see us in fact they were down right unfriendly. I can understand it they were protecting their tip jars and money is known to bring out the worst in people. So we made the long trek back.
There were stripper poles and bikers and nudity. I caught snippets of conversations everything from how many chicks can we get to bare their chests tonight to do you think your Mom will catch us here? The later was disturbing cause I'm sure the girls having that conversation were all of sixteen years old.
When we got to the gate there was a huge crowd waiting to get out.
They are searched every time they leave to ensure they don't bring booze or weapons on to the grounds. We decided we'd go out the in line. There we met up with another of the palace guards. He looked even meaner than Frank but we had had enough and weren't going to wait with our supplies any longer. After much explanation and not a glint of a smile from the guard we were let through. We went back to camp and went to bed.
We had to get ready for the aluminum stampede in the morning!
I'm off to Reno soon so will try to Blog from My moms prior to flying out. I still don't have copies of the pictures we took but will try to get them up when I get back.
Take care all!