Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Pic I couldn't post

My son the musician. He's the good looking one on your left.


I'm at page 16 now. Not a lot of progress this week. It's a long weekend and I would like to get the first chapter done and edited at least by Monday. Wish me luck!

Reverse Discrimination

Yes it really happens! Never in my life have I encountered discrimination...Well that's not completely true I have been judged by qualities that are beyond my control but this was out right discrimination and I was witness to it.

Recently my friend became an empty nester. She' s loving it and after being with out her last child for several months now she has decided to down size her life and her living quarters. Significantly down size.
Which of course means I have spent the last week viewing small apartments with her. I don't mind, we have the same taste in homes so it gives me a chance to view some funky apartments in some quaint downtown heritage buildings. I would love to live in a funky apartment so I've had fun with this. Her criteria is simple. Small, cheap and not disgusting. Simple enough you say. WRONG.

The other night we walked up to apartment 102 in a beautiful stone heritage building. Like any city everyone knows the building is a less than desirable spot. Sad because the architecture is awesome in this building. The manager of another building, which had a nice studio suite for rent lived at 102. Apparently this manager manages both.

We had come directly from our top secret work place. We were dressed in professional clothes. Most landlords would be impressed with our attire and earning capacity.
Slumlords not so much.

We knock on the door and an older lady answers. My friend greets her and tells her why we're there. She asks us to wait and closes the apartment door. We wait, in the hall, for what seemed like twenty minutes. It might have only been ten. Still a long time. We did have an appointment and arrived on time.
The reason for the delay became clear when she invited us in.
Her first comment was "You are from New York? You must be with that outfit."
What the Hell does that mean?
My friend tells her no she is not from New York.
"Where do you move from?" She asks, her accent is thick but her meaning is coming in loud and clear. She's telling us people here don't dress like us.
I'm wondering when the last time she left her apartment was.
My friend tells her she has lived in our fair city for seven years.
The manager makes a dismissive sound and directs us to sit opposite her at the desk. She hands my friend a notebook and tells her to write her name.
Then she turns to me and says" I don't recognize her but I've seen you before. Where do you work?"
I tell her because I think I have seen her as well.
Then she turns to my friend and says, " You do not want to see apartment, it is not for you. You want to live in a house."
My friend explains that her children have grown and she just wants a small apartment now.
The Manager tells my friend that the clothes she wears mean she should live in a house not the small apartment and that we would not want to look at it.
My friend asks if the manager is refusing to show the apartment to us.
No of course not but really she doesn't want the apartment it's too small.
I was dumb founded!
There are very few occasions where I am speechless but this was one of them.
Who ever heard of someone being too employed, too well groomed and too responsible to rent an apartment.
And just for clarification. The apartment building is old and small but in no way is it a ghetto. There was no reason.

The world is crazy!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Finally pages

Yesterday I finally wrote. Eight pages. It felt great. I'm loving the premise for this book which is motivating in itself.
I'm an odd duck. I love to write and I know this is what I was meant to do but any excuse to avoid and I'm in! It's like going to the gym. Sure it's work while I'm there but I feel great for days afterwards yet if I can avoid going I do. What's up with that? Does anyone else do this?

I guess it's just easier to stay in the house and watch TV. Sad

Sunday, June 19, 2005


I love to write, really I do. You'd never know it if you were at my house on a writing day.
Last weekend I had to clean my room and move the furniture around before I could write. By the time I was done organizing every drawer in my desk and every container in my closet I was near exhausted. I turned on my computer and ... Made business cards. Well I need them for Reno don't I?

All week I thought I could get up early in the morning and write. The snooze button on my alarm clock became second nature by Wednesday.
Saturday came and I was going to write. My chair was too uncomfortable. I needed to go get the new one I had stored at my office before I could start. And while I was out I might as well get groceries and run the errands so I won't have any distractions while I'm writing.

I came home unloaded the chair and the groceries. I put the groceries away but my kitchen was a mess so I cleaned that up. By then it was noon so I made lunch and baked cookies. Then I had to clean up that mess. Dustin needed his uniform washed for work so I did that. Then it was three o'clock. I finally came into my room, cup of coffee in hand and settled in to my new office chair. Much better I would write up a storm with this chair.
I turned on my computer entered my password and we're off!
I'd better check eharlequin first just to see what everyone is up to. 50 new messages on Struggling writers! Well I'd better read those. Four o'clock, time for `Charmed` can't miss that.
Five o'clock time to make dinner. David's making the marinade for the ribs by himself (it was very yummy) but I have to get the bbq going and prepare the potatoes and veggies. Take charcoal grill out of box and reassemble. Six o'clock the bbq is assembled and predoused charcoal has been lit. Can't remember how much to put in so followed directions on bag.
Seven o'clock ribs, potatoes and broccoli are on the grill but not cooking fast enough. I didn't put enough charcoal. Take top grill with food off the bbq add more charcoal, light it, wait for fire to go out and embers to remain. Put grill with food back on.
Eight o'clock finally eating dinner. Realize that besides cookies this is the only food I have eaten today.
Nine o'clock kitchen finally clean, leftovers in fridge and I am at my computer diet Pepsi in hand. Realize do not have manuscript template on this computer spend rest of the night figuring out how to set template on stupid Works. Check in on struggling writers, they have started a page race. Sounds like a good idea. Eleven o'clock go to bed.
Can I avoid or what!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I realize after much thought that I should clarify my position in the last post. I do not like the covers and titles on most category romance. I do find myself embarrassed to read them in public and I do care about what people think of me and my intellect. I've worked hard to establish myself in the business I am in and I believe I have gained respect in my circle of peers. Forgive me if it is shallow but I don't want to lose one ounce of that respect.
However I do not think the titles and covers of these books accurately reflect what's inside. I enjoy many of my Special Edition reads they are extremely entertaining and for the most part well written. If I like an author I will buy more (on line). I might hesitate to recommend a category romance to one of my peers and that is a sad but true fact. Shallow and I know it but am I the only one? Probably not.
So again let me say that in my post I disagree with the wrapping but not the contents. The author of 'the sheik' did a fine job, her execution is good, her story entertaining.
It's too bad the title and cover don't reflect accurately her talent.
And that is my beef.

Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear others thoughts on this subject. Perhaps you have a point I haven't thought of, I'd like to hear it, go ahead change my mind :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Romance covers

Today on Romancing the Blog, Kassia Krozser tackled a touchy subject in the industry.
Romance cover art and the image it projects.
There are some who love the covers, want to fantasize over the hunky hero on the cover, need a visual to help them decide which book to pick from the many on the shelves. I understand that but I don't support it. I think the majority of readers(especially women) love a good romance. It doesn't matter who published it as long as it's good. The sad reality is that many publishers limit sales for fine authors by forcing cheesy covers and cheesy titles on to the book jackets. I'm looking at one right now. The awful title is "The Sheik & The Princess In Waiting" The cover shows a woman in a beautiful dress that most won't notice because of the HUGE diamond necklace being placed around her neck by the sheik (I presume).
The sheik, standing behind the woman appears to be looking down her dress. Ok. maybe he's looking in her eyes but come on! As if that isn't enough to make me read this book only in the confines of my room where no one will ever see it, there is an emblem on the front declaring it a Desert Rogues book.
The other book on my desk right now is called 'How To Get Your Man' The title is great and the cover isn't so bad but the down the left had side of the front cover is a great big banner announcing it a Special Edition. Very recognizable so I won't be hauling that one out at the coffee shop either, much too obvious.
Is it just me or has the publisher dashed any hope for these author's to draw in new readers?
If we write in order to have the stories in our heads shared with others don't we want more people to buy our books? Wouldn't we want to attract the masses? Wouldn't we want to appeal to a wide range of readers? Why would we limit ourselves to only those who buy category romance. If the covers were more subtle would the regular buyers stop buying? If the titles more grown up would they turn tail and run?
I think not.
The worst that would happen is more readers feeling comfortable enough to pick up and read our books in public.
What could be bad about that?

Being unpublished I may one day end up with one of these cheesy covers and terrible titles. It will make me very sad if I do but you can mock me freely for going against my better judgment and agreeing with the publishers requirements!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Change in the air

It looks like change is in the air. I for one am not sad to see these changes. The following was announced on the eharlequin site

From September 2006, Harlequin Romance and Silhouette Romance will cease publication due to declining retail presence globally. The new series will effectively replace these two series, and many of our existing HR and SR authors will continue to be published in the new series.
I say good. It's about time for the reasons I've highlighted below;

The New Romance Series is NOT:
Family and community focused
High on explicit sexual detail
Hero driven
About a woman who needs 'rescuing' by a man
Over -the -top or unrealistic
About a strong, dominant Alpha male
About ruthless and selfish women or naive and weak women
Small town mentality
Just North America
Over the top, larger than life characters and settings

Depressing or tragic
Cliched, cheesy
Unrealistic or paranormal

In my quest to publish with Harlequin I became a monthly silhouette romance book club member.
I can honestly say of all the books from said club I have truly enjoyed one. Yes one.
I recently cancelled that subscription.
The story lines were cheesy, the women were weak in mind and body. In fact the few that had potential with great premise were ruined by indecisive wimpy women and repetition in conflict. Let me assure you that by the third time the heroine has thought to herself that the hero could never want her- because she isn't good enough for a variety of reasons- even though he has kissed her, looked at her with lust in his eyes and takes cares of her useless self - I the reader get it! I don't need to read it a gajillion times more over the course of the book. Really I don't.

I want to read about strong women, the ones who in the face of adversity come out swinging. Women who are fully capable of recognizing signs of lust in a man and aren't adverse to taking advantage.
Women like Darcy Gallagher of Ardmore (Nora's jewel trilogy), FBI agent Alyssa Locke (Suzanne Brockmann's gone too far) or even Stephanie Plum bounty hunter (Janet Evanovich). Stephanie has some confidence issues when it comes to her men but all in all she's got balls!

No more indecisive ball-less women who apparently grew up in a convent because they can't function in a world that requires women to have a spine.

I am disappointed they won't have paranormal or Alpha Males and a good cry never hurt anyone but I think requiring more of the authors they publish is a good thing all around.
Don't you?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Tools of the trade

I'm reading 'Writing the Breakout Novel' by Donald Mass.
I've wanted to read it for some time now and finally ordered it through my local bookstore. While I waited anxiously for it's arrival I was privy to some online conversation about the book and the thoughts shared were scary to me, some said it depressed them, some said it scared them to the point of writer paralyzation. All of a sudden I wasn't to anxious for my book to arrive, curious yes, anxious no.
I wondered if he would dash my fledgling writers dreams. Time constraints and ignorance currently leave me with huge chunks of time that are not spent writing. Fear is a very real part of my world now. I know what I do not know and it will take time and loads of effort to get to the point where I know it. I envy those authors who began as English teachers or literature majors, experience and education which I am not carrying in my writers tool belt. I am a smart but lazy woman, I like to do what comes easy to me and punctuation is not one of those things. That said If Mr. Mass had some disturbing news in his book I could be set back quite easily.

Friday my book arrived. I picked it up, brought it home and looked at it. It didn't look very scary. I read the forward by Anne Perry not too bone chilling.
Saturday I began to read. I was happy to see that Donald Mass and I see the writing world the same way. It is not good enough to get published, one must write well.
You would think this would be a no brainier but it's not. The women who expressed fear and depression at the content of his book do not understand that it is not good enough to get published. They want publication and they want it soon. They want to live off the meager earnings of the first sale and write many, many books for the mass publisher they target.
I want more. I know that my vision of sitting an a terrace in Greece writing and watching people go by while I sip strong coffee from a tiny cup are not going to be a reality if I don't write well. If I don't develop a following of loyal readers who will buy book after book. It will also not happen if I don't write my book!

So I will thank Donald Mass for his brilliance and finish his book. Then I will conquer my fears and pick up that little tiny 'elements of style'.
Watch out publishers! Here I come!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

My Dad and I

I'm at my parents place for a little visit. It's raining here just as it was at home. Sucks that one can drive for seven hours and still be under the same freak'n cloud!
But I digress.
What often happens when there is a mixture of me, my dad and wine is heated conversations about politics. The party of the day, unions, gov't employees. In my top secret job as a government employee I am privy to information that the general public isn't or if they are they don't get it. My Dad loves this, even though we are usually on opposite sides of the political fence.
He loves that I can tell him what the truth behind the headlines is or that his favorite columnist in the Province is full of shit and doesn't know what he's talking about. He loves it!
I have to admit I love it too.
When I was young we didn't talk much, he was your typical sports loving coach dad and I was your typical non sporty, surly teenage girl. Not a lot of common ground.
It's interesting how relationships change as we grow older. I'm sure my Dad is pleased to see that his wisdom actually sunk in. That all his "every action has a reaction Peggie" and "Nothing in life is free you have to work for what you want" is tightly ingrained in my outlook and will likely stay there for the remainder of my life.
I know this pleases him and to be honest it pleases me too. I believe that we have to work for what we get. There is no free ride and that we are remembered for our actions. I hope I have passed these beliefs to my sons. We'll see when they're thirty.
There is much of my Dad in me.
Funny too how there is much of his Dad in him. He on the other hand does not appear happy when I point that out.
I think for the most part he got the good stuff.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

To publish or not to publish- to agent or not to agent.

I've been researching romance fiction for the better part of a year now.
Much of what I have read has been very good. If I lose myself in the story and forget to pick out elements to add to my writers tool belt I'm satisfied.

Some of what I have read is very bad, really bad. So bad I don't care to ever read another book by the author.
I will remember that author and not in the good way.

This had me wondering, what is my ultimate goal here. Is it to write a provocative, compelling novel or is it to be published?

If in fact my only goal is to be published then apparently I can do that.
Is that what I want? Will I fill my novel with repetition, weak story, weak heroines and unbelievable content, just to get it done and out on the road to publication?
Will it be seen on the shelves and become part of a monthly mail out where the readers of my novel will remember my name and not for the right reasons? Is that what I want?

Obviously not. I have no doubt that someday I will see my own book on the shelf at my local book store. It may be next year it may be ten or more years before I see it but I will see it.
I have time.
I need to remember that while I hone the craft that has been a part of my soul since childhood.

I know my grammar is horrific, my spelling atrocious and my punctuation..Well that's a whole separate topic. I know I struggle with adding enough description and really have to work at show don't tell. Because I know these things I am not rushing to the alter (so to speak).

When I first made the decision to stop talking about writing and start writing I was rushing. I wanted to enter every contest. Finish my book in three months and start on the other ideas I had floating around in my head. I didn't, couldn't. I had the desire, I had the faith, I did not have the skill. I still don't, but I'm working on it. Slowly but surely I am discovering my writing style. How to best approach my writing to ensure I use my strengths and have a plan in place to assist me with my weakest parts.
Maybe someday I will have a keen grasp of the craft. Confidence in my skills and be able to whip out a manuscript at top speed. Until then I slowly plug away, all the while learning from my errors in the hope that someday when you pick up my book you will read it and want to pick up another, and another. In the end shouldn't THAT be the goal.
Not just to write but to write well.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Parental responsibility...Yeah right

No pic of my guitar playing son. Today I have a story instead.

The other day I saw a man who had tattooed a thick jagged oval that completely encircled his mouth. When you see it images of the Spiderman villain 'Joker' come to mind. It's hideous. What's more hideous is that this man- if you imagined the tattoo away- is a very nice looking young man.

I came to the conclusion that his mother obviously did not cuff him enough. I shared this with my co workers. They of course didn't take me seriously, knowing me as they do, and giggled when I told them that in light of this revelation I was going home to smack my son. It was in his best interest to ensure he did not make such a fatal mistake in the future. They probably giggled because he is much bigger than I and the chances of me getting a good cuff in were slim.

I had a friend in my younger day, A sweet, sweet man who to this day remembers my birthday every year with an email. We haven't seen each other face to face in years and I have no idea when his birthday is but he remembers mine. His mama raised him right. This man is one of three brothers born to a very small Italian woman. The brothers are all over 6' tall and broad. My friend is a prison guard. These are big men. He used to tell me that when they got too tall for their mom to cuff them in the head she started climbing on a chair to do it. It made me laugh to think of this tiny woman climbing on a kitchen chair to cuff her sons. If you aren't feeling very politically correct it really is funny. The point is my friend is a sweet considerate man with out tattoos on his face. His mama knew what she was doing.

So the other day after I saw tattoo man I marched home with a purpose. I was on a mission.

No one was home.

When my eldest son came home I was sitting in my chair watching Gilmore Girls. Not a good moment for a cuffing. I waited till my show was finished. While I watched my show Dustin got settled in with his computer and his guitar both of which occupy my living room along with my TV.

After laughing my way through Gilmore Girls I knew it was time to get down to business.
I turned to Dustin.
"Dustin," I said, "I need you to come over here so I can smack you."

Dustin completely under reacted and replied, "Why's that?"

"Well, I saw a guy today with a tattoo all around his mouth, it looked awful, I've decided his mother must not have smacked him enough....So if you could just come over here so I can smack you that would be great. I'm too tired to get up."

"Long day" he asked, which was quite thoughtful of him.

"yup" I replied.

He leaned forward in what I know now was feigned seriousness and said, "How bout this, I'll let you smack me if you'll go and watch TV in your room so I can play guitar out here."

Even my kids don't take me seriously... I guess I haven't smacked them hard enough.